FOSSGIS 2024 Linklist

Personal link collection of things that I (re-)discovered during the FOSSGIS 2024 conference.


  • BBOX Server - Composable spatial services written in Rust
  • DuckDB - An in-process SQL OLAP database management system
  • geonetwork Github org - GeoNetwork is a catalog suited to publish information about geospatial data
  • geonode - GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and co
  • geopolars/geopolars - Geospatial extensions for Polars
  • leafmap - Geospatial analysis and interactive mapping in Jupyter
  • ol-describe-map - Generate textual description of an OpenLayers map
  • pg_featureserv - Lightweight RESTful Geospatial Feature Server for PostGIS in Go
  • pretzelai - Open-source, browser-local data exploration using DuckDB-Wasm and PRQL
  • public-transport Github organization

Projects, Portals & Products

  • ahoi Hamburg by vhh.mobility - Autonomous driving in Hamburg
  • comaps - Digitales Werkzeug zur datengestützten Entscheidungsfindung für eine integrierte und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung.
  • GBD WebSuite - Webbasierte Open Source GIS Plattform zur Geodatenverarbeitung
  • - Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie
  • GOAT 3.0 - Entwicklung eines digitalen Erreichbarkeitsinstruments für eine ausgeglichene Raum- und Verkehrsplanung
  • GRASS GIS - Powerful raster, vector, and geospatial processing engines in a single integrated software suite
  • KomMonitor - Kommunales Monitoring zur Raumentwicklung (Demo)
  • Lizmap - Create Web map applications with QGIS and Lizmap
  • Mapbender - Lösung zur Erstellung intuitiver und performanter WebGIS-Anwendungen
  • Masterportal - Open Source Geo Portal
  • Sovereign Cloud Stack - Cluster Stacks
  • STAC: SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs - A common language to describe geospatial information